Statement on Prevention of Violence Against Women in all their diversity

The GSM community acknowledges the importance of having a violence free society in making the world a better place and believe that we have a crucial role to play as a community. It is crucial to be intentional on ensuring protection of all women in their diversity including the Lesbian, Bisexual and transgender women. We envision a world where no one is discriminated against, co-existence is promoted and holding each other accountable in ensuring dignity for all is a norm.
The killing of women and girls in all their diversity solely because of their gender is a heinous crime that must not be tolerated. We are deeply concerned by the escalating violence against women and girls and urge the government and all stakeholders to take urgent measures to protect their lives and rights. Femicide is a manifestation of systemic gender inequality and discrimination. Women and girls in Kenya face multiple forms of violence, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, and harmful cultural practices.
It is unacceptable that women and girls continue to live in fear of their lives. We cannot turn a blind eye to the violence they face. It is time for all of us to come together and say enough is enough. Pema Kenya calls on the government to Implement and enforce laws and policies aimed at preventing and responding to femicide while strengthening the criminal justice system to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable and victims receive justice. We call upon the provision of adequate funding for all organization that work on or are women’s rights-led and shelters that offer support and protection to victims of violence and Implementation of comprehensive prevention programs that address the root causes of gender-based violence.
0 1Pema Kenya also urges all community members to challenge and condemn all forms of gender-based violence, report any incidents of violence or threats against all women in their diversity and girls to the authorities, provide support and shelter to victims of violence and their families and advocate for the rights of women and girls and work towards creating a gender-equal society. Femicide is not inevitable; by working together, we can create a society where all women in their diversity and girls are safe, respected, and valued.
Pema Kenya stands in solidarity with all victims of femicide and their families. Let’s all come together in condemning femicide, sexual and gendered based violence, discrimination in all its forms, as we envision a violence free world.